Copyright & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
rnHeight: approx 152.5mm.
rn- Soldier Stormtrooper that symbolizes the imperial military starred in 1/12 scale.
rn- Left-handed and right-handed: Hand parts have a left-handed and right-handed
rn- Fine detail
rn- Hand components: it may show a number of poses inside replacement for the hand parts.
rn- Weapon: Weapon holster and three types of accessories.
rn- Show: to image the floor of the Death celebrity inside, display can reproduce the situation in conjunction with Darth Vader.
rn- Joint motion: replicate the action poses by joint movement.
rn- E-11 blaster × 1
rn- DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle × 1
rn- Close combat pistol × 1
rn- specialized display base × 1
rn- (tool control × 2, smack × 2, right fist × 1, × 1 pointing left) six hand components ×
rn[Commodity content]
rn- Water transfer type decal × 1
rn- Tetron Seal × 1
rn- Moldings × 4
rn- installation instructions
rnItem Size/Weight : 29.8 x 19 x 6 cm / 251g