Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03 萬代高達  [B-5063073]

Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03
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alt="Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03" title="Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03"
alt="Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03" title="Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03"
Bandai 5063073 - 1/100 Mcgillis's Schwalbe Graze No.03

- Orufenzu 1/100 show line up third bloodstream and iron!

- Personalized machine ended up being high mobility of and renovate the glaze of model, Shuvu~arube Grays (McGillis machine) appeared in 1/100 series!

[1/100 and simple to set a scale specification! ]

- the amount of components is tiny, to create simple to specs runner arrangement that is organized by your website. Reproduction of setting color mix of the parts division and a foil seal can be pursuing.

- Similarly set to reproduce the internal framework form. It can be the frame state when getting rid of the exterior.

[Various armed additionally included! ]

- Rifles and Battle Axe is roofed. Battle Axe is mountable to your waistline.

- The claw injection gimmick can replicate!

[Conjunction with 1/100 Gundam Barbados! ]

- Claw product of the item is 1/100 Gundam Barbados, 1/100 Grays (basic device / commander device) and may be custom made for Gundam Barbados in combination!


- Rifle × 1

- Axe × 1

- Claw × 1

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