Futaba 3PKS 3-Channel 2.4GHz/ R603FS 富他巴  [3PKS_c1]

Futaba 3PKS 3-Channel 2.4GHz/  R603FS
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Twice the speed. All of the bells & whistles. No equals.

These pistol grip systems are ideal for beginners and sport racers alike.

In top-level race, rate and accuracy are everything. And with the 3PK in hand, drivers have actually every thing they should have the hop on your competitors.
The revolutionary "Adjuster" function makes being "out of tune" obsolete, by allowing the racer to electronically restore settings degraded by time or vibration. Plus, the 3PK could be the only system available with an HRS (High reaction rate) transmission mode XFM technology therefore advanced level it required the creation of a special feature (MC Set-Up) merely to bring ESCs "up to speed" with HRS's higher signal rates.
The 3PK's three-tiered menu, revolutionary "Direct Select" feature and rear-mounted backlit LCD place development speedXand the 3PK's complete competitive potentialXwithin easy reach of any serious racer.


Expandable, 10-model memory w/10-character naming and information copy, clear, transfer and keylock functions.
Selection of "New Driver", "Race-Ready" or "Expert" menus provide easier development for sport drivers and two quantities of adjustment sophistication for rivals.
"Direct Select" provides fast, two-button access for approximately six driver-selected functions.
Big, backlit LCD w/adjustable comparison & 128 x 64 dot quality.
APA (Advanced Positioning Adapter) for modifying radio stability and wheel "feel" to driver choice.
Assignable switch and dial functions.
2 programmable mixes for complex customized set-ups, brake blending for 1/5 scale cars and watercraft blending.
Digital trims and dials with automatic electronic memory.
Subtrims on all networks.
Servo reversing on all stations.
EPA (End Point corrections) on all stations.
Detachable RF module.
Fail-safe and battery pack fail-safe.
Effortless transformation to right-/left-hand usage.
Up/down, lap & system timers.
Direct Servo Control (DSC)*
Twelve months limited guarantee


Transmitter T3PK (Pistol, 3 networks) x 1
R603FS Receiver x 1
NiCd battery pack NT8F700B (FUTM1462) x 1
110V wall charger FBC19B (United States Of America) x 1
Frequency Flag x 1
Wheel place offset adapter x 1

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