Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager 長谷川  [HA-54002]

Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager
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alt="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager" title="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager"
alt="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager" title="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager"
alt="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager" title="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager"
alt="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager" title="Hasegawa 54002 - 1/48 SW02 Science World Unmanned Space Probe Voyager"
  • Voyager happens to be carrying out the master plan and the research of extrasolar planets outside of the solar system] based on the NASA
    Is unmanned. # 1 in September 1977, number 2, was launched in August exactly the same year, sharp outer planets
    Succeeded in shooting the movie. Has triggered the discovery of Neptune, Uranus, a number of Jupiter and Saturn. Additionally,
    This device records information called [Golden Record has been set up. Right Here is
    Noise and video clip convey the tradition and life in the world happens to be recorded, the mankind of extraterrestrial life therefore the future
    Rice have already been expected to be found, is it possible to decipher. This unit could be the farthest distance through the planet
    In man-made object has been reached, the research for the solar system nevertheless aims to outside to see or watch the interstellar area
    Offers continued. Currently, Voyager 1 will reach the top of the external solar system, attempting to leap out of the solar system

Specs and qualities:

  • an entire new kit by mildew, after which over kit (No. / 2 Number 1) Voyager.
  • Size model of 1/48 scale, 76.2mm in diameter of parabolic antenna.
  • Before the growth tip 394mm and is large and includes.
  • is likely to be delivered into the configuration parts while to reproduce the dwelling of actual accuracy, ease of installation was also considered.
  • Color molded in 2 colors grayscale, golden record set Fri plated components.
  • the exhibition stand and world type, the card comes with a commentary Voyager.

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