Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black) 長谷川  [HA-64510]

Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)
你或可於 Anime / Movie Models - Robots - Mechatro WeGo
alt="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)" title="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)"
alt="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)" title="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)"
alt="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)" title="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)"
alt="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)" title="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)"
alt="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)" title="Hasegawa 64510 - 1/35 CW10 Mechtro WeGo No.02 Milk and Cacao (White and Black)"

Direct from Japan's Chubu Mechatronics, MechatroWeGo mechatrobots have taken the world by storm! These innovative, child-sized transports will be the world's smallest mechatrobots, designed for holding children to college, soccer practice and every-where else among. Mechatrobots are making carpooling obsolete, leaving parents with more time for you to care for everyday errands. The only thing mechatrobots are missing? a security that guarantees the kids are home eventually for supper!

Kit Combo Qualities:

  • Two MechatroWeGo models per package
  • Movable bones
  • Head and human body hatches can be open or closed
  • Boy and woman operator figures

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