Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII   [IT-0072S]

Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Aircrafts - Propeller
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"
alt="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII" title="Italeri 0072 - 1/72 Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 With Bf 109 F-4 WWII"

Period: 2nd World War

Country: Germany

Model Dim.: 19,9 cm

Mistel 1 Ju 88 A-4 and Bf 109 F-4

During World War II different tools systems had been developed to reach long-distance items without great risks to the teams from enemy reactions. Very unique systems ended up being devised by German technicians. They used a certain number of old JU-88 bombers and changed the cockpit to transport a robust load of explosives. The JU-88 was then mounted to the base of a Messerschmitt BF-109 fighter airplane. The pilot guided this product towards the target and finally released the JU-88 hitting the prospective. This weapons system ended up being combined with some success during the first months of 1945 from the Soviet Forces.

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