Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk   [IT-0174S]

Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk
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alt="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk" title="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk"
alt="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk" title="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk"
alt="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk" title="Italeri 0174 - 1/72 B-57G Night Hawk"

Period: Vietnam

Country: Usa

Model Dim.: 27,7 cm

B-57G Evening Hawk

The Martin B-57 Canberra was a double jet engine tactical bomber with prepared the usa Air Force from the mid of 50s. Its robust aerodynamic design and its great dependability managed to get ideal for the role of tactical bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. It had been loaded with two Wright J65 turbojet motor and it was able to achieve 960 kilometer / h. As a result of its bomb bay as well as its four outside hardpoints it was able to carry an offensive load of 3,300 Kg. During its long running activities, a few versions was in fact developed. Specifically the B-57G, based on the B-57B, was created as evening intruder. Easily recognizable by the added “radome”, the B-57G played a crucial role during the Vietnam War to guide combats along the Ho Chi Minh trail. It was prepared with a new radar, a far more contemporary avionics and, specifically, a variety of sensors able of dropping laser guided bombs.

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