Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII   [IT-1287S]

Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII
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alt="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII" title="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII"
alt="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII" title="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII"
alt="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII" title="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII"
alt="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII" title="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII"
alt="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII" title="Italeri 1287 - 1/72 Ju 88 A-4 (Historic Upgrade w/PRM) WWII"

Period: 2nd World War

Country: Germany

Model Dim.: 20 cm


The Junkers JU-88 should be considered the most crucial German airplane of World War II, next to the BF-109 and FW-190. This double engine airplane ended up being originally created as quick bomber. The task was a complete success and so the aircraft ended up being also used as a very important night fighter, a specialized attack aircraft, a torpedo-bomber or as reconnaissance aircraft last but not least, during the last stage of WW II, it became called “the Flying Bomb”. The A4 ended up being probably the most trusted variation associated with the Luftwaffe and participated in all theaters during the war, from the battle of Britain to the hopeless defense associated with the German skies.

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