Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1  [IT-2742S]

Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Aircrafts - Helicopter
alt="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1" title="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1"
alt="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1" title="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1"
alt="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1" title="Italeri 2742 - 1/48 Heli BO 105/PAH-1"
The light twin turbine engine helicopter Bo 105 was developed by German industry in early 70s and it has been arranged to do either civil or armed forces purposes. The Bo 105 was recognized to have good level of reliability and steadiness. However, the most crucial talents had been the high flight maneuverability. As a result of each one of these good features, improved by two turbines with the capacity of delivering 313 kW each, through the Bo 105 frame is developed an armed version for German Army with the project title PAH-1 (which mean Panzerabwehrhubschrauber; tank-defense helicopter). In details, the PAH-1 surely could meet its anti-tank duties because of the committed equipment together with weapons system based on the wire-guided Euromissile HOT. Furhtermore, made out of the ‘70s on very first several years of 2000, the Bo 105 gained an excellent commercial success and prepared the Armies of a few nations.

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