Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)  [IT-5609S]

Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Navy - Submarine
alt="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)" title="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)"
alt="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)" title="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)"
alt="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)" title="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)"
alt="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)" title="Italeri 5609 - 1/35 Biber Midget Submarine (U-Boot)"
“Biber” was the absolute most notorious “poket size” submarine deployed by the Kriegsmarine, German’s 3rd Reich marine throughout the end of 2nd World War. The development of Biber was exceptionally fast. The design began in February 1944 and first examples were set to ocean only half a year later on. With only 9 meters length, it was with the capacity of a 240 kilometres range. Able to achieve a merged maximum rate of 6,5 knots and 5,3 knots submerged. The Biber might have been equipped with two 530mm torpedoes mounted externally or with two mines. The crew consisted of only 1 member. The deployment associated with Biber, within the Kriegsmarine strategy, was very simple: supply a simple yet effective defence associated with price shore as protection to a possible, further more likely, Allied invasion. Anyhow, the Biber was never a significant hazard for the Allied. Both due to it is technical and design defects and for the crew trained, for war needs, excessively fast and without necessary development. Nether the less, from 1944 till the conclusion associated with the 2nd World War, the Kriegsmarine took distribution and positioned in procedure more then 300 Bibers.

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