KO Propo 80182 - EX-1 UR 40MHz TX/RX   [KO-80182]

KO Propo 80182 - EX-1 UR 40MHz TX/RX
KO Propo
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The EX-1 UR (Ultra Reaction) 4CH
The EX-1 series continues with a newly created super high speed CPU with a quicker Ultra Response Mode (UR) along side Advanced-Super-Normal modes, 30 model memory, super stable performance of super module, faster reaction with the smaller diameter wheel & decrease angle spacer and new tirgger product.

Now offered as a 4CH System
The EX-1 UR may be used with up to four channels for almost all of one's land based R/C makes use of. Third and fourth channel monitoring are also capable.

Feature are given below. Bold will be the listed brand new features.

  • Steering Functions: Travel / Balance / Speed (1~2Way) / Curve / Center Trim / Sub Trim / Trim Rate / Reverse / Steering Track / Fast Steering
  • Throttle Functions: Tall Aim / Brake / Curve / Punch / Speed (1~3Way) / Acceleration / Active Brake System (ABS) / Preset / Automatic Start / Sub Trim / Trim Rate / Reverse / Thorttle Monitor / Fast Throttle
  • Timer Functions: Lap Timer / Down Timer / Alarm / Pre-alarm / Lap Navigation / Stopwatch
  • Other People: Auto Show / Idle Up / Position Display / Direct Set / Electrim / Digital Grip Dial / Battery Alarm / LCD Contrast / LCD Back Light / 30 Model Memory / Model Name / Model Choose / Model Copy / Memory Recall / Memory Improve / Memory Reset / Channel Select (for use of channel 4) / Beeper Pitch Shift / Adjust Amount / Set Up / EEP ROM <3CH> 3CH Monitor / Configuration of 3CH <4CH> 4CH track / Configuration of 4CH
備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 KO Propo 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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