Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts 蓮花 田宮比例模型格蘭披治賽車系列 雙星孖星  [12037]

Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts
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alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"
alt="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts" title="Tamiya 12037 - 1/12 Lotus Type 78 - w/Photo Etched Parts"

Lotus had been the pioneering race team that created the wedge-shaped human body, with inverted aircraft- like wings to attain a larger down force effect that significantly enhanced management and performance. In 1977, when it first showed up on the racing circuit, Lotus won 5 races but missed from the championship. However the following 12 months in 1978, plus in 1979 they won the titles with dominating shows. The inverted wing had been used in the first phases in 1978 nonetheless they made the switch full-time into the 1979 period. The requirements are the 1977 British GP, additionally the Olympus logo privately of vehicle would be the requirements the free automobile.

Towards Model Re-release for the popular big scale Lotus Type 78 F1 race vehicle with new photo-etched components.

  • Photo-etched components consist of braking system discs, radiator, 2 forms of front side and rear wing recommendations, and seat belts for incorporating extra finishing details.
  • Cloth seat belts are included.
  • Is available in a newly created package.

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