Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special) 本田 田宮比例模型電單車 雙星孖星  [16030]

Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)
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alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"
alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"
alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"
alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"
alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"
alt="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)" title="Tamiya 16030 - 1/6 Honda Monkey (2000 Special)"

Concerning the Honda Monkey 2000 Anniversary It had been back 1961 that a curious mini-motorcycle had been seen putting around Honda&39;s "Tama Tech" amusement park. Very popular trips in the park, it sported a red frame under a white gas tank, small 5 inches tires and a peppy 50cc motor. Riders were believed to appear, of all things, simian, and henceforth the motorcycle came into existence known as the Honda Monkey. Looking a lot more like a toy than a motorcycle, the compactness and fresh look associated with the Monkey scored high with fans of all of the ages. Honda revamped the Z100 park variation for use on public roads, and brought out the CZ100 model which began to be exported in 1963. The very first model to be marketed in Japan had been the improved Z50M Monkey, which showcased folding handlebars and chair for effortless stowing in a passenger car. In January 2000, Honda brought out the 2000 anniversary edition associated with the Monkey, which sported the image coloring associated with 1971 Z50Z(2) model. The manufacturing with this special Monkey was limited to 3000 motorcycles. The continued selling point of the Monkey should be both its diminutive size and simple modification. Each Monkey owner is absolve to interchange a variety of elements such as the motor parts, carburetor, exhaust pipe and suspension system. In fact, over 1500 custom components are marketed with this playful mini-bike.

Concerning the Model

  • General size: 224mm, general width: 100mm, general height: 175mm
  • Model features two rear view mirrors, and brand new environmentally friendly carburetor.
  • Moveable front and rear suspension system features metal springs.
  • Handle bars are foldable just as the full-sized bicycle.
  • 49cc SOHC motor authentically recreated. Vinyl pipe used for various lines.
  • Two forms of custom option components including muffler are contained in kit.
  • Also included are decals the 2000 Anniversary model as well as two sorts for the fun of this standard model.

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