Tamiya 21006 - 1/35 Medium Tank T-55A Desert Version Fini 田宮軍事模型完成品收藏系列 雙星孖星  [21006]

Tamiya 21006 - 1/35 Medium Tank T-55A Desert Version Fini
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Tanks

Towards T-55A

T-55 manufacturing started in 1958, as opposition between western countries and the Soviet Union expanded. It absolutely was very easy to create and featured an oblique front side hull wall, a compact hull and a semi-spherical turret to limit vulnerability. The T-55 was also well armed with a 100mm main gun. In the early 60&39;s, the T-55A with anti-radiation interior liner and anti-radiation cover on the tank commander cupola originated. T-55 and T-55A were additionally license built by Czechoslovakia and Poland plus some gotten various improved equipment causing numerous sub-types. T-55 production continued before the late 70&39;s and equipped the armies of over 40 countries. It was used in various wars for instance the Middle-East Wars while the Gulf War and is nevertheless in service today in some countries.

Concerning the Model

  • Tamiya gift suggestions the T-55A tank as a completely finished model in desert camouflage.
  • Just machinegun and loader&39;s hatch come as separate components.
  • Intricately detail by detail steel tracks enhances overall look and adds to weight of model.
  • Aluminum turned gun barrel for increased authenticity.
  • Markings represent a tank painted in wilderness sand color from Middle East area.
  • General length=259mm

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