Tamiya 21013 - 1/350 U.S. Navy Battleship BB-63 Missouri 田宮軍事模型完成品收藏系列 雙星孖星  [21013]

Tamiya 21013 - 1/350 U.S. Navy Battleship BB-63 Missouri
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Navy - Battleship/ Cruiser

The Return of "Mighty Mo"

The Iowa course battleships were the largest and final great battleships of the usa Navy. Of 4 finished, the BB-63 Missouri stays today many historically significant. Commissioned in 1944, the USS Missouri, or "Mighty Mo", boasted a phenomenal production of 212,000hp. On her main armament, she had three turrets of 50 caliber 40.6cm Mk7 triple firearms, ten turrets of 38 caliber 12.7cm Mk28 double weapons, twenty turrets of 40mm quadruple firearms and forty-nine 20mm device firearms. After involved in many significant battles, including the Iwo Jima landings, she bombarded the Japanese mainland and money before entering Tokyo Bay on August 29, 1945. On September 2, on 01 deck, the Japanese signed their unconditional surrender bringing the official near WWII and ensuring the Missouri the woman invest history. The Missouri additionally took part in the Korean and Gulf War.

Towards Model

  • A beautifully finished model of the historically significant BB-63 Missouri, the U.S. battleship used since the website the signing of Japan&39;s unconditional surrender.
  • Slim human anatomy and top deck have now been reproduced with synthetic parts.
  • For extra detailing model features lathed steel cannons for main guns and picture etched components for railings, radar etc.
  • Is sold with a beautifully finished display base with metal dish.
  • a specially designed acrylic display instance can be available (sold individually).
  • Overall length: 772mm

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