Tamiya 23717 - 1/64 Nissan Fairlady 350Z Track 日產 田宮比例模型收藏家系列 雙星孖星  [23717]

Tamiya 23717 - 1/64 Nissan Fairlady 350Z Track
你或可於 Scale Models - Vehicles - Sport Cars

Tamiya brings a fresh measurement to complete models because of the introduction associated with the "Collector&39;s Club" die-cast scale model show. The key component of these accuracy replicas are of die-cast metal. They're homemade, painted and embellished, offering the ultimate in more detail while providing that weighty feeling skilled in die-cast models. Chassis components utilize engineering plastics to reproduce a crisp finish. The "Collector&39;s Club" models will likely be a proud section of any collection of fine automotive models.

This palm-sized display models are ideal for space-conscious collectors. All these high-quality die-cast models feature colorful sporting group liveries and doorways which can be exposed to reveal the race cockpit with roll cage. Additionally, each includes a stylish display base and windowed packaging to enable display even while inside the box.

Nissan 350Z

The long-awaited fifth generation Z had been proven to people at 2001 Tokyo Auto Show. It&39;s 3.5 liter V6 motor had been mated with a 6-speed transmission, providing the car top-class performance. (Length: 68mm)

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