Tamiya 25104 - 1/25 Russian SU-100 Kit 田宮軍事模型軍事製品 雙星孖星  [25104]

Tamiya 25104 - 1/25 Russian SU-100 Kit
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alt="Tamiya 25104 - 1/25 Russian SU-100 Kit" title="Tamiya 25104 - 1/25 Russian SU-100 Kit"

In 1943, the Russian SU-76 self-propelled weapon was not any longer effective to fight this new German tanks. Through the end of 1943, the SU-85 was developed to restore the SU-76 self-propelled weapon. The SY-85 was based from the T-34 hull and armed with a 85mm gun. However, because of the depth for the armor, need expanded for a more effective tank. The SU-85 was modified in 1944. It absolutely was equipped with a 100mm weapon and renamed the SU-100. The 100mm would not have a similar piercing power since the German 75mm or British 17pdr guns, but it was weightier compared to 75mm and allowed the Russian military to easily destroy the German tanks. The turret-less design additionally ended up being an advantage because labor and construction costs were 20per cent less. In comparison, the turret-less design left the SU-100 weak in slim or sloped terrain. Thus, the SU-100 was utilized as fire help for infantry and anti-tank combat. The SU-100 remained in service until the 1970s.

Specs & Features

  • Restricted version 1/25 scale synthetic construction kit.
  • New parts to depict wood logs were specially included for this re-release.
  • Moveable torsion bar suspension features exact same construction as seen in the actual tank.
  • Each hatch are available and closed.
  • Realistic link-type set up tracks included.

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