Tamiya 26504 - 1/48 MMC Hetzer Mid. P Finish Model 田宮軍事模型完成品軍事收藏系列 雙星孖星  [26504]

Tamiya 26504 - 1/48 MMC Hetzer Mid. P Finish Model
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Tanks

Effective Punch in a Low-Profile Package In 1943 the German high command ordered growth of a new light tank destroyer to replace cars like StuG III and Marder. Prototypes of the Hetzer, which shared numerous the different parts of the Panzerkampfwagen 38(t), had been prepared by 1944 and mass production began in April of the identical year, with 2,584 automobiles produced by might, 1945. Manned by a team of 4, it showcased a 75mm Pak 39 L/48 gun in fixed mounting, and sloped armor covering the entire hull. The Hetzer was continually modified during manufacturing, which makes up about the many differences when considering early, mid and later manufacturing models. The Hetzer was Germany&39;s primary tank destroyer inside second period of the war, making an essential contribution on the Eastern and Western fronts.

In regards to the Model
Fully assembled 1/48 scale Tank Destroyer Hetzer, professionally painted along with markings pre-applied.
Die-cast chassis provides added fat and realism.
Highly-detailed suspension features tank treads with realistic sag effect.
Dark Yellow base color scheme and markings function ultra-realistic weathering.
Length: 131mm
Set contains display base with title plate.

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