Tamiya 26512 - 1/48 Sherman 756Bn. Finished 田宮軍事模型完成品軍事收藏系列 雙星孖星  [26512]

Tamiya 26512 - 1/48 Sherman 756Bn. Finished
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Tanks

U.S Moderate Tank M4 Sherman Early Manufacturing C Company, 756th Battalion, fifth Army (Finished Model)

Hitting "the Smooth Underbelly"

Prior to the massive invasion at Normandy, the Allies first set base on European soil inside their invasion of Italy, famously known by Winston Churchill as element of Europe&39;s "the soft underbelly." Sherman tanks in this theater of operations frequently had their standard overall olive drab paint scheme overlaid with sand generate a two-tone camouflage pattern more desirable to the Mediterranean environment. This beautifully completed display model features a tank belonging to C Company of 756th Battalion combat in the Italian front in February of 1944.

Concerning the model

  • Fully assembled 1/48 M4 Sherman pre-painted with markings pre-applied.
  • Markings: C Co. 756Bn., fifth Army, Italy, Feb. 1944. Paint scheme: Olive Drab/Sand two color pattern.
  • Weathering technique useful for ultra-realistic finish.
  • ?Die-cast reduced hull for excess weight and improved realism.
  • Length: 119mm ?Includes unique display base with nameplate.

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