Tamiya 26533 - 1/48 German Kubelwagen Type 82 (Finished Model) 田宮軍事模型完成品軍事收藏系列 雙星孖星  [26533]

Tamiya 26533 - 1/48 German Kubelwagen Type 82 (Finished Model)
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Trucks / Vehicle
About the Kubelwagen Type 82 Dr. Ferdinand Porsche designed the Volkswagen for civilian use beneath the "people&39;s car" project,but the German army was additionally enthusiastic about the look for army usage. The ensuing Kubelwagen had been a canvas-top convertible with a lightweight monocoque body. Built with a reliable air-cooled 985cc 4-cylinder motor, the automobile had excellent cross-country performance. It ended up being used on all fronts by the German military as well as the Luftwaffe in functions including liaison, reconnaissance,and personnel transportation.
In regards to the Model
  • Replica-quality 1/48 scale display type of a Kubelwagen Type 82 owned by JG52 if the unit was stationed in Italy in-may 1944.
  • Every function associated with Kubelwagen from its interior to its underbody is accurately reproduced.
  • Fully-finished model is expertly painted, featuring a light wash and practical weathering.
  • Top-notch pad-printed markings for license dish.
  • Spin-cast steel parts provide added fat for greater realism.
  • Ideal for display alongside other 1/48 scale German vehicles or aircraft.

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