Tamiya 26546 - 1/48 British Universal Carrier - Finished Model Mk.II WWII 田宮軍事模型完成品收藏系列 雙星孖星  [26546]

Tamiya 26546 - 1/48 British Universal Carrier - Finished Model Mk.II WWII
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Trucks / Vehicle

During World War II, British and Commonwealth armies utilized a massive range tiny sized, completely tracked weapons carriers, chief among that was the Universal Carrier Mk.II. The compact, open top automobile served in many different functions on the North African, Italian and West European fronts. Numerous variants had been constructed, including models mounted with mortars and flamethrowers however, many machines typically carried a Bren light device gun. Over 65,000 models were stated in Britain, Canada as well as other Commonwealth nations, which makes it perhaps one of the most numerous armored automobiles built during WWII.

Specs & Features

  • This is a finished style of the Uk Universal Carrier Mk.II.
  • You can display your model since it is, when taken off its cube-shaped field.
  • Length: 80mm.
  • The model depicts a carrier from the 2nd Bttn., Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, 3rd Infantry Div. Europe.
  • One driver figure included.
  • The model comes with good quality pad printed markings and decals preapplied.
  • A light weathering is applied to boost the practical appearance of model.
  • Spin-cast steel weight adds a larger sense of volume toward Universal Carrier Mk.II.

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