Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G 田宮軍事模型軍事製品 雙星孖星  [32520]

Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G
alt="Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G" title="Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G"
alt="Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G" title="Tamiya 32520 - 1/48 German Panther G"

Tamiya simply doesn?t stop releasing brand new things for the 1/48 MM Series. We now offer modelers the Panther Type G, commonly considered very effective German tanks of WWII. Line the Ausf.G using the Panzer IV Ausf.J and 1/48 Panzer Grenadier numbers for reveal and accurate diorama of late-WWII German military.

Concerning the German Panther Ausf.G Developed as a countermeasure towards Soviet T-34, the German Panther tank had been created from 1943 before end of the war and served alongside the Panzer III, IV and Tiger tanks. The Panther tank showcased sloped armor, effective 700hp Maybach engine and a turret put far straight back on hull mounting a 75mm L/70 cannon. The key weapon ended up being more devastating than its size of 75mm would suggest, because of the big propellant charge and long barrel with a high muzzle velocity. Numerous think about the Panther just as potent as the Tiger I, but more straightforward to create and maintain. The Ausf.G included variations with heater product installed throughout the left motor fan, sufficient reason for curving lower ?chin? piece taken out of mantlet to eliminate shot trap.

Concerning the Model
  • 1/48 scale assembly model of the Panther Ausf.G tank.
  • Choice of two kinds of mantlet, with or without reduced ?chin? piece.
  • Install muffler with or without flash suppressor.
  • Reproduces heater unit used for cold temperatures operations.
  • Car mounted equipment molded to hull as solitary piece for simple construction.
  • Die-cast framework for extra weight and enhanced realism.
  • Installation type tracks with straight upper and lower components made of single pieces.
  • Display with Panzer IV Ausf.J (Item 32518) and Panzer Grenadier Set (Item 32514) generate late-WWII era dioramas.
  • Selection of 4 sets of markings.

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