Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman 田宮軍事模型軍事製品 雙星孖星  [35322]

Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman
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alt="Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman" title="Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman"
alt="Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman" title="Tamiya 35322 - 1/35 Scale Israeli Tank M1 Super Sherman"

Over 50,000 Shermans of all types were produced during WWII. The Shermans that the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) at first procured from different sources were a mix of various variants featuring various hulls, turrets, suspensions, and armaments. However, Israel was fundamentally capable negotiate the purchase of approximately 250 M4A1 and M4A3 Shermans from France, and these were armed utilizing the M1A1/A2 76.2mm main weapon that could better counter the Arab armies&39; Russian made T-34-85s. Shermans had been additionally produced with two various kinds of suspension system: VVSS (Vertical Volute Spring Suspension) and HVSS (Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension). The latter offered better performance as well as the IDF eventually modified their tanks on HVSS standard. Thus the IDF designated its 76.2mm gun-armed HVSS-equipped Shermans as M1 Super Shermans and many among these saw their first action during the Sinai Campaign in 1956.

Specs and Features

  • 1/35 scale synthetic installation kit type of the Israeli M1 Super Sherman.
  • The belated kind turret, which was built with a one-piece loader&39;s hatch and a muzzle braking system, is accurately reproduced on the basis of the thorough research of a real vehicle.
  • Cast hull is exactly rendered.
  • VVSS type suspension system
  • Belt-type tracks included to depict the T54E1 kind found on the actual M1 Super Sherman.
  • Includes 2 team numbers and 3 forms of markings.

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