Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2 田宮軍事模型軍事製品 雙星孖星  [35375]

Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2
alt="Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2" title="Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2"
alt="Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2" title="Tamiya 35375 - 1/35 Russian Heavy Tank KV-2"
About the KV-2 In December 1939 the KV-1 had been officially used by the Soviet military; it absolutely was followed by the KV-2, a weightier design based on the KV-1 framework, but upgunned to a 152mm howitzer using the intention of breaking enemy strongholds; so that you can accomodate the more expensive weapon, the KV-2 was presented with an amazingly high turret. Around two hundred had been produced, and supply on army began in July 1940. The following June, Nazi Germany invaded and the KV-2 - while enduring many breakdowns - took part in Soviet opposition from the invaders, their 152mm weapons and impressive survivability allowing some amazing feats, helping stem the tide.

concerning the Model
  • ?this really is a 1/35 scale plastic model set up kit. Length: 204mm, width: 95mm.
  • ?The imposing kind of the KV-2 is artfully captured in 1/35 scale.
  • ?Features depictions of this rough cast turret areas and weld lines.
  • ?Various hatches could be put together in open or shut place.
  • ?Assembly type tracks function one-piece straight parts, and offer realistic depiction of upper run 'sag.'
  • ?Comes with a full body commander figure, and a crew torso figure for installation inside hatch.
  • ?Includes two marking choices.

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