Tamiya 36208 - 1/16 Flakpanzer Gepard (Display Model) 田宮軍事模型大比例坦克 雙星孖星  [36208]

Tamiya 36208 - 1/16 Flakpanzer Gepard (Display Model)
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Tanks

Scanning the Skies
Initially released in the 1970s as a radio control model, Tamiya&39;s big 1/16 scale Gepard is making a return as an assembly kit display model. The Gepard featured the absolute most advanced anti-aircraft system of its time, as well as in upgraded kind, continues to be operating with several militaries today. This imposing model faithfully captures the self-propelled AA gun&39;s impressive details. The monitoring radar is movable and certainly will be depicted in traveling place, while the surveillance radar rotates 360 Degree and can be depicted in stowed position. Also, different display positions are possible since the steel torsion club springs enable practical suspension system motion together with back part of the box-shaped turret might be posed open.

In regards to the Gepard

The German Flakpanzer Gepard showcased the absolute most advanced anti-aircraft fire control system at that time. It utilized the Leopard framework and had been equipped with a turret with two Oerlikon 35mm weapons which had a maximum firing rate of 550 rpm and a variety of 4,000m. The computerized shooting system included tracking and surveillance radars which supplied exemplary target detection and firing accuracy. Production for the Gepard started in 1975 and so they had been implemented with the German army plus exported to the Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, and Chile.

Specs and Features

  • 1/16 scale plastic installation kit associated with the German Flakpanzer Gepard. In General size: 500mm, general width: 215mm.
  • Distinctive form including the box-shaped turret is accurately reproduced.
  • Lower hull is made from duralumin. Metal torsion club springs enable realistic suspension system movement.
  • Plastic songs come conveniently pre-assembled.
  • Rubber bands included for road wheels.
  • The Oerlikon 35mm firearms have actually superb details. Gun barrels may be elevated/depressed.
  • Radars will also be movable.
  • Metal components for back view mirror stay and engine grille mesh are included.
  • The tracking radar is movable and can be depicted in traveling place.
  • The surveillance radar rotates 360 Degree and can be depicted in stowed place. The trunk element of the box-shaped turret might be posed available.
  • Steel torsion bar springs permit practical suspension motion.

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