Tamiya 48204 - 1/35 RC Leopard 2 A5 Bundle Set 田宮軍事模型遙控小型坦克套件 雙星孖星  [48204]

Tamiya 48204 - 1/35 RC Leopard 2 A5 Bundle Set
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The Leopard 2 was first produced in 1979 and it is operating because of the armies of Austria, Denmark, Germany, holland, Sweden, and Spain with over 3000 produced. The Leopard 2A5 variation employs cutting-edge armor technology, and is currently regarded as being among the top tanks worldwide. Tamiya now gifts a 1/35 scale R/C tank associated with Leopard 2 A5, marking the 4th item on the 1/35 scale R/C Tank Series. This kit is the full Option Set that features gearbox, engines, transmitter as well as receiver product. While specific components such as tires and sprockets happen became R/C adapted components, many exterior parts just like the upper hull and turret are kept exactly like into the Military Miniature static model Series Leopard 2 A5 (Item35242). Therefore, the R/C Leopard retains similar amount of information and precision as its static counterpart.

Specs & Features

  • Aside from forward/reverse motion, the 1/35 R/C Leopard 2 A5 can perform large-diameter turns, sharp-turns, pivoting, and turret rotation.
  • This kit features replications of awesome Rheinmetal 120mm smoothbore weapon, wedge-shaped cavalier armor regarding the front of turret, along with other high-tech equipment. This model captures the sheer power of the state-of-the-art Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tank.
  • Motors, battery situation, switch, pilot lamp, and receiver antenna lead are all pre-wired. Utilize fall switch on left part of receiver to regulate forward/reverse movement. Switch on right part of transmitter settings tank pivot. Buttons on base left or transmitter control right/left turret rotation. Attached 2-channel receiver permits realistic tank movement. A/B varieties of 27Mhz bands are available on R/C product for simultaneous running of two Leopard Tanks for dual the excitement. Band kind shown on package.
  • General Length: 275mm Overall Width: 108mm

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