Tamiya 48207 - 1/35 RC U.S. Medium Tank M4A3 Sherman (w/4ch Control Unit) 田宮軍事模型遙控小型坦克套件 雙星孖星  [48207]

Tamiya 48207 - 1/35 RC U.S. Medium Tank M4A3 Sherman (w/4ch Control Unit)
你或可於 R/C Models - Other R/C - Tanks
The M4 Sherman Tank had been probably the most utilized tank during WWII by the American Army. TheM4A3 came armed with a 75mm weapon and around 3071 tanks had been produced. They saw tough action at Normandy, and also served through the entire Pacific until the end regarding the war.

Specs & Features

  • 4 channel transmitter included.
  • Techniques forward/reverse, sharp turning, pivot turning, gun turret rotates, gun barrel are elevated and depressed.
  • Pre-assembled gear kind tracks.
  • Compact gearboxes and engines drive the tank.
  • One compact product controls both turret rotation and gun level.
  • The gearboxes while the all-in-one turret rotation and weapon level device are pre-assembled.
  • Two standard buttons are prepared for extra channel usage.
  • Uses four R03/AAA/UM4 alkaline batteries and something 006(9V)/6F22 alkaline battery pack for transmitter.
  • Prepared die-cast tension shaft allows you to adjust the strain of this songs.

1/35 SCALE TANK KITS REQUIRE:(unless stated in a different way above)

Battery: 4 AAA for tank 1 9v for transmitter
Paint: To finish model
Misc. Products: Model Building gear

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