Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [60312]

Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"
alt="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster" title="Tamiya 60312 - 1/32 F-15E Strike Eagle Bunkerbuster"

Towards Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle w/"Bunker Buster"

The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is regarded as perhaps one of the most capable twin-engine air-superiority fighters these days. Since its maiden flight in July 1972, this record breaking Mach 2.5 fighter is a yardstick for jet fighter design. Inside very early 1980&39;s, the Air Force asked for McDonnell Douglas to modify their F-15 fighter into a dual-role aircraft become referred to as F-15E "Strike Eagle" for use as an air-to-air fighter, as well as for atmosphere to ground assault missions. This brand new version was designed to penetrate deep into enemy territory unescorted, and strike army objectives with pinpoint accuracy. The attack eagle employs two extremely reliable Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 machines and was created especially as a two-person team of pilot and weapons system officer. The LANTRIN (Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night) system enables the Strike Eagle to operate at night and in bad weather. The Hit Eagle may also be employed with as much as an 11-ton payload and certainly will carry the GBU-28 Bunker Buster, a guided bomb developed to destroy strengthened underground bunkers. The Strike Eagle was first implemented in December 1989. Through the Gulf War in 1991, 2 squadrons of 48 F-15E Strike Eagles demonstrated their energy as multi-purpose fighter/attack planes.

Specs & Features

  • Accurately reproduced exterior including focusing on & navigation pods.
  • Accurately reproduced cockpit including Aces II ejection seats.
  • start or shut clear canopy and atmosphere brake.
  • practical pilot numbers.
  • Die cast steel nose gear strut and primary gear struts.
  • definitely detail by detail exhaust.
  • many included armaments are connected: GBU-28 "Bunker Buster,"AGM-130, JDAM guided bombs, and AIM-120 air-to-air missiles.
  • Synthetic plastic tires.
  • Two sets of wheel chocks for landing gear.
  • Safety-pin label.
  • Contains seven types of markings, which include armament.
  • Simple to follow, illustrated set up guidelines.

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