Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [60326]

Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
alt="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI" title="Tamiya 60326 - 1/32 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI"
The "wood Wonder" makes a look in very impressive 1/32 scale! That has been the nickname given to the De Havilland Mosquito number of aircraft, an ingenious and gorgeous design which saw the versatile airplane made almost completely of wood. By the late 1930s, when design work with the Mosquito began, metal was the overwhelmingly preferred medium. However, the Mosquito&39;s designer foresaw that steel would be a precious resource in likely war ahead; the thing that was more, his extremely lightweight wooden aircraft would be able to outrun heavier steel opponents. Constructed primarily from balsa lumber sandwiched between sheets of birch, the Mosquito ended up being originally created as a weaponless bomber; after the armed forces and developers realized that the aircraft could withstand enemy fire whether or not it had been caught, a number of variants had been produced.

The FB Mk.VI debuted in the Spring of 1943: this fighter-bomber variant packed four 7.7mm device firearms inside nose, plus four effective 20mm automobile cannons and the capacity to install four 500lb bombs. Its outstanding speed and range ensured that the FB Mk.VI had been found in a selection of missions, including raids on crucial targets and infrastructure inside German homeland. It is often stated that, until the advent associated with Messerschmitt Me262, the German Luftwaffe failed to have an adequate reaction to the "Mossie".

The Tamiya 1/32 Mosquito launch present U.S. pastime stores includes some special components perhaps not found in other markets. The U.S. kits should include two extra “F” parts and one extra “E” components sprue. These components are unique because they're molded in EVIDENT synthetic.

The conventional and included “F & E” components are molded in GREY. The extra sprues are the engine cowling parts which cover the engine compartment. Being that they are clear it'll enable U.S. modelers to uniquely show the extremely detailed Merlin machines found on the Mosquito!

  • Highly-detailed cockpit, plus depiction of four machine guns complete with ammo cases and belts.
  • Paintable tires use assembly tread sections and capture compression triggered by airplane fat.
  • Choose open or closed bomb bay. 20mm car cannons and two 500lb bomb parts are found inside.
  • Tail wheel mud guard and strut are depicted. Kept and right edges of horizontal stabilizer are an element of the exact same piece, as regarding actual aircraft.
  • The kit includes parts to recreate propellers aided by the very early variation slim line blades, or wider paddle type blades.
  • Detailed 4-piece engine cowling provides a selection of standard or longer intake-fitted tropical filter components.
  • The Merlin machines are breathtakingly recreated, including depictions of the supercharger. The same as on the real Mosquito, the engine mount and landing gear struts are incorporated.
  • The model may be assembled with exhausts uncovered or covered.
  • Export Version contains EXTRA EVIDENT PARTS sprue the motor cover!


  • Scale: 1/32
  • Construction kind: Assembly kit
  • Photo-etch components: Perhaps Not included
  • Decals: Included
  • Unique feature 1: 515mm wingspan.
  • Special function 2: The kit includes components to recreate propellers with the early variant slimline blades, or wider paddle kind blades.
  • Unique function 3: Choose open or closed bomb bay. 20mm car cannons and two 500lb bomb components are found in.
  • Unique feature 4: The model may be put together with exhausts uncovered or covered.
  • Special feature 5: Tail wheel mud guard and strut are depicted. Kept and right sides of horizontal stabilizer are part of the exact same piece, as regarding the actual aircraft.
  • Unique feature 6: The cockpit inside is realistically depicted, appropriate right down to details including the pilot&39;s seat cushion.
  • Special feature 7: The modeler is offered numerous options, such as open or shut bomb hatch, and up or down flaps and elevators.
  • Unique feature 8: components are included to depict 2 various kinds of propeller.
  • Unique feature 9: Left and right wing parts are connected via spars, just as regarding genuine aircraft. This offers accurate and secure accessory.
  • Special feature 10: Separate parts recreate bomb bay and wing underside 500lb bombs, plus 50-gallon drop tanks.

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