Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik 田宮軍事模型戰鬥機收藏系列 雙星孖星  [60781]

Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik
alt="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik" title="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik"
alt="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik" title="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik"
alt="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik" title="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik"
alt="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik" title="Tamiya 60781 - 1/72 No.81 Ilyshin IL-2 Shturmovik"

Aerial armor into the palm of your hand

The Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik ended up being the Russian military&39;s primary ground-attack aircraft during WWII, with more than 36,000 examples built by the finish associated with war. Manufacturing of the single-seat form of the IL-2 started in March 1941 but serious losses resulted in the growth of a two-seat version with a rear gunner. A version which featured exterior wing sections swept back at 15-degrees for an improved center of gravity ended up being introduced in late-1943. Alongside the T-34 tank, the Il-2 contributed significantly to the ultimate Russian success.?

towards Model

  • 1/72 scale synthetic display model set up kit of the Ilyushin IL-2 Shturmovik.
  • Length: 162mm
  • Width: 203mm
  • Accurately reproduces the aircraft&39;s robust kind while offering simple construction.
  • Intake duct in addition to radiator and oil cooler components allow accurate reproduction associated with radiator process.
  • 2-seat cockpit and wheel well additionally function rich finish.
  • Includes 2 kinds of 23mm cannon fairings.
  • Components for 100kg and 250kg bombs also 3 kinds of launch rails for RS-132 rockets may also be included.
  • Select from 3 kinds of markings.

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