Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52 三菱 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [61027]

Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52
alt="Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52" title="Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52"
alt="Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52" title="Tamiya 61027 - 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M5C Type 52"
div course="font-med-bold"> Towards A6M5c Type 52 Zero Fighter In April 1939, right after the first Japanese Zero started test studies, modification drawings were already happening on the zero in Mitsubishi design space, to help keep pace utilizing the expected long air war into the Pacific. Following the initial superiority of this Zero over allied aircraft begun to wane, because of brand new U.S. types being introduced, Mitsubishi was hard pressed to keep a superiority. The development of the Grumman F6F and potential Vought F4U, supplied a dependence on more firepower, armor protection and capability led the combined businesses of Nakajima and Mitsubishi to produce the A6M5 number of aircraft.


Total manufacturing of the kind 52 series contained 10,449 aircraft of which Nakajima produced 6,570. It first joined combat in August 1943 at a time once the Japanese forces had been withdrawing from formerly held islands in the South Pacific. The kind 52c was the past for the A6M5 show, and the most reliable against Allied aircraft because of its armament configuration three of 13mm device guns and two 20mm cannons. A complete of 93 Type 52 and 52b zeros were field modified to "c" tools configuration. The 7.7mm device weapons, housed in cowling for the Zero since its first introduction, turned out to be less effective through the latter phases of the conflict, due to the thicker armor protection of allied aircraft, and their self sealing fuel tanks. The 13mm weapon had been greatly more effective; however, because of its increased fat, only one of them might be housed into the cowling and one in each wing. The 7.7 device firearms had been removed from the cowling and another 13mm weapon ended up being mounted on the best hand side. This installation additionally made necessary the enlarging for the right hand projectile exit and cowling tube input, associated with cowling, giving it an unbalanced look whenever viewed from top.

Code named "Zeke" by the Allies, the sort 52c had been powered by a 14 cylinder twin row NK1F Sakae 21 motor of 1,130hp, which subsequent variations had been alcohol injected. In addition to the device firearms and cannons, the 52c may also carry four air to atmosphere rockets or four 30kg air to air bombs or two 60kg atmosphere to ground traditional bombs. The air to air systems were initiated in an attempt to disrupt B-29 operations by firing the rockets or dropping the tiny bombs in the formations. The bombs were timed to air-burst a specific amount of moments after launch through the fighters.



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