Tamiya 61059 - 1/48 Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [61059]

Tamiya 61059 - 1/48 Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk
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Towards Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk

The U.S. always was indeed underneath the risk of the aggressive radar systems and the ground-to-air missiles at so named "cold war" period. Therefore the stealth technology has attracted the attention regarding the U.S. Air Force and produced by the Lockheed, the project group ended up being called "Skunk Works".
The idea of stealth technology would be to defeat the radar sign offered off by the aggressive defense systems. F-117A evening hawk had been 1st stealth fighter proven for the proof of stealth technology. This aircraft has been covered up in privacy for a long time. However the public was finally allowed to see the photograph published by the Department of Defense in 1988. The F-117A appearance so strange compared with conventional fighters. For instance, it's an angular fuselage made up of black surfaces with radar absorbent paint to reduce any radar detection, no curved wings and V-tail with good way control.

1st procedure to use the F-117A was the Persian Gulf conflict. Lots of F-117A travelled in key and achieved a surprise assault on interaction institution and Air Force head office without losing one F-117A although it had the rigid protection. Moreover the F-117A showed off to the public its attacking capability done by precision laser led missile "GBU-27" through news all over the world. The F-117A successfully proved the effectiveness of the stealth technology.

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