Tamiya 61065 - 1/48 Gloster Meteor F1 w/ V-1 (Fieseler F 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [61065]

Tamiya 61065 - 1/48 Gloster Meteor F1 w/ V-1 (Fieseler F
你或可於 Scale Models - Military Series - Aircrafts - Fighter

In regards to the Gloster Meteor F.1 with V-1 (Feiseler Fi103)

In belated 1940, the British Air Ministry offered the Gloster Aircraft business with the specifications for a jet-powered fighter. March of 1943 saw the model, built with the De Havilland&39;s H.1 motor, succeed on its first test journey. Subsequent assessment generated the mounting of two Rolls Royce engines, which gave the Gloster Meteor F-1 an extraordinary top speed of 668km/h.
At about the same time, the German side had been developing a frightful new gun. The Fieseler Fi103 was loaded with 1st pulse jet motor in history, flew at a top rate of 640km/h and carried a 850kg of explosives. Referred to as V-1, this unmanned traveling bomb premiered from a vapor driven catapult and led by a gyroscope and a tiny nose mounted propeller. Direction, altitude and distance had been supervised in flight, until a fixed distance had been reached, at which point it might drop and explode at first glance below. V-1 assaults lasted until March of 1945, by which time about 5800 bombs had wreaked hefty harm in London and the surrounding area.

On August 4th of 1944, while traveling his Meteor on jammed, he recorded the initial triumph over a V-1 utilizing the tip of their wing to knock the tool off program, in which it crashed in an unpopulated area. The revolutionary development of both the Meteor together with V-1 laid the building blocks for future jet fighters and missile weaponry.

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