Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [61110]

Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures
alt="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures" title="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures"
alt="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures" title="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures"
alt="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures" title="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures"
alt="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures" title="Tamiya 61110 - 1/48 G4M1 Yamamoto w/17 Figures"
During WWII, the IJN&39;s Combined Fleet had relocated its headquarters to Truk. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who commanded the Pearl Harbor Attack, reached Truk on April 3, 1943 and in the pipeline a trip toward forward bases at Balalae, Buin, and the Shortland Isles to improve the morale of this frontline devices. But the Americans had deciphered Japanese communications on April 13th which talked about the important points of the visit and also the U.S. Army Air Force arranged an interception objective. At 6:05AM on April 18th, the two G4M1 bombers departed Rabaul for Balalae. The very first aircraft, No.323, had eleven people on board, including Yamamoto. The next aircraft, No.326, had twelve individuals on board, including Vice Admiral Matome Ugaki. At 8:00AM, a band of P-38 Lightning fighters attacked the bombers and Yamamoto&39;s aircraft switched left toward Buin while Ugaki&39;s aircraft turned right toward the sea. Both aircraft were struck and Ugaki survived a crash-landing on water, but Yamamoto&39;s aircraft crashed in to the jungle. A search celebration reached Yamamoto&39;s aircraft on the evening regarding the nineteenth and his human body had been found beyond your aircraft, still seated along with his blade in their hands. The Tamiya model faithfully catches the history of this final flight as well as the workers agreeable.

Specs and Features

  • 1/48 scale plastic construction kit.
  • Airplane Flaps can be depicted in either up or down place.
  • Detailed cockpit, dorsal gun position, and nose & tail blisters. Brand New components recreate the accurate end blister, which had the exterior part eliminated allow an improved field of fire for the 20mm cannon.
  • Pre-Painted Canopy Parts included.
  • Kit contains a total of 17 figures: 1 depicting Admiral Yamamoto, 1 observer, 2 pilots, 1 gunner, and 12 mechanics.
  • 2 types of decals included to depict Admiral Yamamoto&39;s and Vice Admiral Ugaki&39;s transports correspondingly.

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