Tamiya 70068 - Wall Hugging Mouse 田宮STEM系列機械人/動物 雙星孖星  [70068]

Tamiya 70068 - Wall Hugging Mouse
你或可於 Mini 4WD / Kids - STEM - Model Kits
alt="Tamiya 70068 - Wall Hugging Mouse" title="Tamiya 70068 - Wall Hugging Mouse"
The Wall Hugging Mouse races across the wall in a zig-zag way. When the sensor rod makes experience of the wall surface it activates the circuit switch which produces an alternating on/off series, turning one engine on while switching the other motor down. The sensor and main switches come complete. That is an enjoyable and easy-tobuild kit.

How It Functions

The Wall Hugging Mouse uses an easy two-motor system to scurry over the wall. When motor B is in and motor A is down, the mouse steers left towards the wall surface. Once the sensor pole has contact with the wall it activates a micro switch that turns motor an on and engine B off causing it to guide away from the wall. As soon as the mouse steers away from the wall the sensor pole loses experience of the wall surface switching the micro turn off and turning motor A off and motor B straight back on again.

Basic Requirements

  • Engine: (2) RE-140
  • Body: Polycarbonate
  • Chassis: Vinyl

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