Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type 田宮STEM系列機械人/動物 雙星孖星  [71102]

Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type
alt="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type" title="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type"
alt="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type" title="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type"
alt="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type" title="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type"
alt="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type" title="Tamiya 71102 - Mechanical Kangaroo - Two Leg Jumping Type"

The beloved kangaroo from Australia Tamiya presents the robot reproduction of beloved kangaroo from Australia. This amazing kangaroo-robot jumps by going its rear feet simultaneously to proceed. Whenever walking gradually, it also utilizes its front legs (the same as they do right here) and when running quickly, it uses its end for stability. Legs and human body on which the gearbox is mounted employ transparent-colored parts, providing the kangaroo a funky look. Reverse switch can also be clear, providing you with a peek at kangaroo&39;s interior mechanisms.

All you need included construction is very simple with usage of screws and snap-lock components. Cable ends are rubber capped with cut areas pre-marked for simple wiring.

When working with high-speed gearbox, the kangaroo walks looking at its tail and back legs. A gearbox transforms the engine motion to make the kangaroo&39;s back legs move. You are able to choose between two various gears for gearbox construction. When using the low speed gearbox, rods are attached to the lower holes of front legs and kangaroo walks sitting on its end.

Low-speed gearbox makes the kangaroo walk which consists of front and back legs with all the low speed gearbox, rods are connected to the top holes of front legs. Changing pole place using various holes within the crank plate gives you 4 various speed opportunities within slow rate mode. Whenever walking slowly, it impressively imitates a genuine kangaroo&39;s motion.

Changing end position makes kangaroo modification direction Changing the positioning associated with end enables the kangaroo to keep balance during high-speed running and enables it to change direction. Putting the end straight could make the kangaroo go directly but establishing it towards the right/left will make the kangaroo move to the right/left.

Having fun with the Kangaroo Avoid operating over slopes, bumpy roadways or longhaired carpet. Run using flat, smooth areas. Viewing its humorous movement offers you plenty of enjoyable.

Fundamental Specs

  • Total length: 180mm
  • Total weight: 95g (w/ out batteries)
  • Body material: ABS resin
  • 2 gears included, one for high rate and one for low speed.
  • Engine and reverse switch additionally included.
  • Screwdriver for assembly is included.
  • Requires one R6/AA/UM3 battery pack (offered individually).
  • Continuous operating time with Alkaline battery: 3hrs. at low speed/1hr. at high rate.

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