Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.) 田宮軍事模型戰機 雙星孖星  [89787]

Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)
alt="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)" title="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)"
alt="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)" title="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)"
alt="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)" title="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)"
alt="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)" title="Tamiya 89787 - 1/48 Reggiane Re.2022 (Airframe parts are made by Italeri, Inc.)"

Stick Out Italian Fighter Bomber

Through the demand produced by the Italian atmosphere force, the Reggiane Re2000 had been produced rn and had its maiden trip in 1939. The aircraft showcased an all-metal low-wing rn monoplane which differed off their Italian fighter designs. The Reggiane was rn superior and installed with an air-cooled 1,175cc engine to produce the Re2002 rn which was adopted by the Italian air force as a fighter bomber. This aircraft rn had two nose installed 12.7mm guns, two 7.7mm wing mounted guns, and had the capacity rn to hold a 650kg bomb under its fuselage. They first saw combat in the Allied rn invasion of Sicily in July 1943. When Italy surrendered, the Luftwaffe utilized rn them for anti-partisan duties. Some of these aircraft joined the Italian Co-Belligerent rn Air Force and fought alongside because of the Allies.

Specs & Features

  • 1/48 scale synthetic installation kit of this Italian fighter bomber Reggiane Re2002.

  • Length: 170mm,

  • Width: 229mm.

  • The compact fuselage and narrow cowlings are realistically reproduced.

  • The canopy could be assembled in either an open or a closed position with rn the flaps in an up or down position.

  • As well as the 500kg fall tank, airfield add-ons including gas drums rn and jerry cans are included.

  • 1 seated pilot figure included.

  • Decals depicting the Regia Aeronautica (3 types), the Luftwaffe (2 types), rn and Regia Aeronautica that battled alongside the Allies after Armistice rn (1 type) are included.

  • Photographic reference manual (English, 48 pages) included. (Aircraft parts rn are product of Italeri.)

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