Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon 田宮迷你四驅車路軌/賽道 雙星孖星  [94852]

Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon
你或可於 Mini 4WD / Kids - Mini 4WD Series - Circuit
alt="Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon" title="Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon"
alt="Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon" title="Tamiya 94852 - Mini 4WD Oval Circuit (Two-level Lane Change) Plus Avante X & NeoFalcon"
  • This Oval Residence Circuit features unique beige-colored track parts and is sold with Item 18616 Avante X and Item 18617 Neo Falcon, enabling instant Mini 4WD rushing. This program may be used for racing your Mini 4WD devices at home and for testing your machine settings before entering official Tamiya races around the globe. The lane modification area additionally comes with a transparent cover to stop your automobiles from making the track. The track&39;s plastic-type material helps reduce the noise degree. Other Mini 4WD circuit parts can be linked to let you produce a straight larger circuit


  • Course Length: 2 laps more or less 10m.
  • Fence Height: 5cm.
  • Assembled Course Size: 216x120cm.
  • Four AA batteries required for Mini 4WD automobiles (separately available).

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