Tamiya 95297 - Sunny-Shuttle Premium (AR Chassis) Truckin' Mini 4WD 田宮迷你四驅車1/32迷你四驅車套件 雙星孖星  [95297]

Tamiya 95297 - Sunny-Shuttle Premium (AR Chassis) Truckin\' Mini 4WD
你或可於 Mini 4WD / Kids - Mini 4WD Series - Racing Mini 4WD
1 評論
Getting right down to company This is a premium form of the Sunny-Shuttle, a model which first starred in the Truckin' Mini 4WD Series back 1990. The lowered-down vehicle human anatomy is molded in a striking yellow, with cool smoke-colored tinted windows plus marking stickers to fill up the design. It really is based on the modern AR chassis, which include screw-attached part catch mounts to enable the attachment of Sunny-Shuttle body. Engine and batteries could be attached and detached without the removal of the human body from the framework. Different-width front side and rear small diameter wheels have actually wire-type spokes completed in gold and therefore are mounted on slick tires.

AR Chassis The AR chassis was created to provide its driver durability, customizability and ease of upkeep, which are key components for a successful Mini 4WD racer. Its aerodynamic form smoothly permits atmosphere to feed the chassis inside whilst the device operates, doing the vital purpose of air conditioning the batteries and engine and expanding their effectiveness. The air intakes regarding the framework and human anatomy are incorporated for optimal performance. This high-speed race framework additionally features low-friction synthetic bearings to ensure any lack of energy from the engine on wheels is minimal in nature. Under panel and diffuser could be taken from the model without taking off your body, while a low-friction back skid club is equipped to slash time loss experienced on tricky slope parts, and keep carefully the automobile regarding track where it belongs. Features a 4.2:1 gear ratio.

  • Length: 155mm
  • Width: 97mm
  • Height: 55mm
  • Includes engine
  • effortless snap-together set up

    individually Required Things R6/AA/UM3 batteries (x2)
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