XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left   [XR-303715]

XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left
alt="XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left" title="XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left"
alt="XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left" title="XRAY 303715 Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS - Left"
Brass reduced LEFT suspension holder ideal for standard rear suspension, also appropriate ARS with extra roll center jobs. Adds excess weight on car to achieve the minimum weight limit, and replaces other chassis-mounted weights which negatively influence framework flex.
The brass holders are 3x thicker than aluminum holders, they destination the additional fat equally on left and right sides, in addition they keep carefully the CG only possible while not introducing negative flex to your framework. Moreover, the brass holders additionally influence the control characteristics, and may even be properly used for further fine-tuning the car’s set-up. Must be used with #303714 right Brass Lower 2-Piece Suspension Holder for ARS.
Using the brass holders into the FRONT reduces traction roll. Suitable for high-traction conditions. Using the brass holders in the BACKSIDE improves the car’s rotation and steering. Suitable for medium-traction conditions.
備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 XRAY 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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