XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car   [XR-340004]

XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car
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alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
alt="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car" title="XRAY 340004 RX8 2016 Specs  - 1/8 Luxury Nitro On-Road Car"
The RX8 is an average XRAY automobile - a premium, professional, high competition model racing vehicle for the most demanding racers, developed and made with attention to the littlest details. Made of premium European materials, machined making use of advanced Swiss and German devices and supported by premium service & support, the RX8 is a typical XRAY, an extravagance masterpiece.

2016 All-new Features

• All-new aluminum backbone
• All-new chassis
• All-new aluminum front side & back bulkheads
• All-new aluminum 2-speed bulkheads
• All-new aluminum front side & rear upper clamps
• All-new aluminum front upper supply holders
• All-new front center shaft owner
• All-new graphite radio plate & Multi-Flex™
• All-new aluminum radio dish mounts
• All-new muffler mounting
• All-new gas tank & mounting system
• All-new aluminum engine mounts
• All-new aluminum front side & rear lower suspension mounts
• All-new graphite backside upper suspension system mounts
• All-new front side lower suspension system pivot pins
• All-new rear upper & lower suspension system pivot pins
• All-new front side lower arm
• All-new aluminum expansion for steering block
• All-new aluminum steering servo mounts
• All-new graphite & steel extensions for shocks (reduced suspension system arms)
• All-new graphite front side & back surprise towers
• All-new shock ball bones for enhanced up- and down-travel
• All-new rear solid axle shaft & pulley
• All-new front side anti-roll bar wire
• All-new front aluminum body posts
• All-new graphite gear tensioner owner
• All-new pinions
備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 XRAY 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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