XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs   [XR-360003]

XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs
你或可於 R/C Models - Off-Road - Buggy - Electric Powered
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alt="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs" title="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs"
alt="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs" title="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs"
alt="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs" title="XRAY 360003 XB4 2016 Specs"
New XB4 ... European Champion…the beast to beat XRAY raised the bar within the 1/10 buggy course with the XB4, bringing a fresh top-quality, superior player to your field for many others to measure themselves against. Now with an even more adaptive platform, XRAY 1/10 buggy; the new XB4 happens to be even more the beast to beat. The newest XB4 is artistically crafted inside our in-house XRAY factory by design & manufacturing professionals, and extensively tested and refined by the world's most useful motorists. Designed, developed, and completely stated in Slovakia, European countries, with XRAY's famous focus on information, fine materials, and extreme performance, i will be excited presenting for you the all-new XB4. Dipl. Eng. Juraj Hudy XRAY XB4 designer

備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 XRAY 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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