XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs   [XR-370504]

XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs
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alt="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs" title="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs"
alt="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs" title="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs"
alt="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs" title="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs"
alt="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs" title="XRAY 370504 X10 2018 Specs"
The X10 is an all-new 1/10 GT pancar in line with the XRAY’s European Championship-winning X12 pancar. Sharing many superior parts using its smaller cousin, the X10 has incorporated all finest details to quickly attain circumstances of excellence. XRAY concentrated its efforts on refining most of the already well orchestrated components and assemblies to make the brand new X10 simple to drive, work with, and adjust. The brand new X10…the best-performing pancar to make you the champions Circle. Martin Hudy XRAY Designer find out more about the XRAY X10 2018 Specs at www.teamxray.com/X10
備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 XRAY 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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