Yokomo D-062 3mm Titanium Screw Set 橫崛   [D-062]

Yokomo D-062 3mm Titanium Screw Set
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Yokomo D-062 Titanium Screw Set 3mm 橫崛

Titanium screw set compatible with D-MAX series. Tapping screws are only compatible with resin parts, so do not use them if you are replacing the optional aluminum parts.

Plate tapping screw M3×8 FH Tapping Screw ×5
Plate tapping screw M3×10 FH Tapping Screw ×12
Plate tapping screw M3×12 FH Tapping Screw ×3
Plate tapping screw M3×18 FH Tapping Screw×2

Bind tapping screw M3×6 Bind Tapping Screw×4
Bind tapping screw M3×10 Bind Tapping Screw×6
Bind tapping screw M3 x 12 Bind Tapping Screw x 12
Bind tapping screw M3 x 25 Bind Tapping Screw x 2

Button head screw M3 x 6 BH Screw x 2
Button head screw M3×8 BH Screw ×5
Button head screw M3×12 BH Screw ×1
Button head screw M3×15 BH Screw ×2
Button head screw M3×18 BH Screw ×1
Button head screw M3×20 BH Screw ×4

Flat head screw M3×8 FH Screw ×15
Flat head screw M3×10 FH Screw ×4
Flat head Screw M3×12 FH Screw×4

備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 Yokomo 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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