Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift 橫崛   [SD-GRA90BA]

Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift
alt="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift" title="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift"
alt="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift" title="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift"
alt="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift" title="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift"
alt="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift" title="Yokomo SD-GRA90BA PANDEM GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift"
Yokomo SD-GRA90BA GR Supra Clear lexan body for Drift PANDEM Bodies 橫崛

The GR Supra, which is the most popular in actual car drifting, has a glamorous silhouette with powerful PANDEM aero. While the entire body is molded in one piece to make it easier for users to create, Yokomo's unique molding technology faithfully reproduces the large irregularities of the PANDEM Aero, such as the front grille, rear underskirt, and deep side constrictions. It is being reproduced. While taking advantage of the attractive lines of the A90 Supra with its beautiful curves, the sharp line work gives it a realistic finish that makes it hard to believe that it is a radio-controlled car body.

備註 :
由於庫存數量有限, 某些 Yokomo 產品可能要特別從製造商訂購, 所需準備時間約為4-6週, 如我們庫存未能提供訂單上的某些產品, 我們將直接為客人從製造商訂購而買家須接受該所需的準備時間。

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